Off Campus: Humanities Scholars In Alt-Ac Careers
A podcast celebrating alt-ac careers, higher education, and the humanities. Each episode features a guest who has completed substantive postgraduate education in the humanities and who currently works in an alt-ac career. By listening to their stories, this podcast aims to shed light on life beyond the academe, what scholarship can do in the broader world, as well as how graduate training in the humanities helps or fails to help us prepare for the path off campus.
Podcasting since 2022 • 8 episodes
Off Campus: Humanities Scholars In Alt-Ac Careers
Latest Episodes
Episode 8 with Dr. Hannah Alpert-Abrams, on the other side of grants at the National Endowment for the Humanities
In this episode, I interview Dr. Hannah Apert-Abrams about her transition from completing a PhD in comparative literature to being a program specialist at the National Endowment for the Humanities. We talk about how awesome librarians and archi...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7 with Rachel Taylor, from magic-in-new-religions researcher to Technology-as-a-Service consultant
In this episode, I interview Rachel Taylor about her past research studying trance/possession rituals in African Diaspora religions and neo-paganism and Heathenry and her current career as a senior principle organizational change consulta...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6 with Dr. Stuart Theobald, managing a company while completing a PhD
In this episode, I interview Dr. Stuart Theobald, chairman of the financial research and consulting firm Intellidex, about the value he sees in a philosophy PhD, and the challenges of working while in graduate school.You can email the p...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5 with A Zhu, working in higher ed as student, teacher, and administrator
In this episode, I interview A Zhu about her transition from graduate school in communications to working as an administrator in higher ed. We share our experiences with heavy workload, vague expectations, blurry work-life lines, lack of positi...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4 with Bethany Parsons, classicist-turned-equalities lead
In this episode, I interview Bethany Parsons, a classicist working to improve diversity, equality, and inclusion on the college campus.You can email the podcast here: offcampuspod@gmail.comAlso on Twitter: @OffCampusPhDsMu...
Season 1
Episode 4